What's up guys I'm Lady 1by-day.com
Tags: Doggy Style Pussy Licking Reverse Cowgirl Brown Eyes Dv Facial Big Tits Cum On Tits Bedroom Trimmed Pussy Deep Throat Ball Licking Brunette Hair Lady Zoom 2005Category: General videos
From: 1by-day.com
Date: July 29, 2005
What’s up Men I m Lady Zoom, I’m a brunette with Gorgeous green eyes from Czech Republic.
I’ve obtained long legs, big round tits, a body and a great tight ass. Because I ’ ve got plenty of electricity my friends call me Zoom. I live my own life at full steam. I enjoy with long hard sex. Once ll give them an opportunity, I work long discuss what they'll do to me, but following a couple of good fucks that he s done. There’therefore a bar manager down in the bar, he never mentioned so that I never paid much attention to him. However, last weekend I ran in to him at some other club's launch , even it was his club. That evening we hooked up and he’s been heavy within my pussy every night since. After Cage walked , he drank a glass of wine , I had been on the bed and started doing a strip tease for him slowly taking off my clothes, touching and rubbing my body. I looked and noticed a bulge in his pants and it was getting larger. I reached in his trousers made my way on to him and pulled his extended hardening penis. Holding his cock in one hand and his wine at another I dipped his prick until I began bobbing my mind and stuffed it in my mouth. I slobbered and slurped all over his cock that was lengthy, pushing it further into my mouth and bobbing my mind again and again. As I went down on it I could feel that his cock. I pulled off his cock and started licking his balls, one by one. I kept spit and his long thick prick onto the earlier I stuffed it back to my warm mouth inch by inch and opened. I could feel that his cock growing in my mouth as I continued to bob my head up and down. He began licking my large soft tits, grabbing and shaking them. I held his hard cock and jerked it up and down, hard and strong. Then I released his cock, he began fucking them , pushed them together and slipped it straight between my soft tits. His cock slid between my tits hard and quickly, again and again. When he slid his cock out from between my tits I shoved back his thick cock into my mouth for another slobbering and took hold. I bobbed up and down to his cock pushing it against the back of my throat over and over. I pulled on his throbbing cock from my mouth and then he made his way back between my hairy thighs. He began licking my hot moist cunt all over, I felt a tingling in my hips and ass as he slurped my clit. He slipped his hands and began sliding them out and in. I started shaking them and squeezed them , pushed them together and grabbed my tits. I wrapped my lips, put on top of him placing my muffin straight in his face and began sucking up and down its whole length, carrying it all of the way down my throat. He fingered my hot wet cunt as I swallowed and jerked onto his thick slick cock and licked. I got up with my ass facing him and reduced my horny pink twat back on his shaft that was rigid. . I leaned back and he slid his long cock in and out of my pussy quick and hard. I started playing with my tits squeezing and shaking them because he slid his cock in and out again and again. He pulled his throbbing cock out of my wet cunt and I slid it straight in my mouth, then it had been covered from top to bottom using a warm froth from my pussy, it tasted so good. I jerked it up and down until slipping it back in my mouth for a new slobbery coat and squeezed his cock clean I then held it firmly in my hands. He laid me behind slid his long hard cock back into my moist horny pussy and started going up in me with hard deep strokes, that I could feel his big balls slapping my wet twat because he thumping up from my ass harder and harder, again and again. His glistening cock slid and stuck it in my own mouth. I sucked, slurped, and slobbered up and down his hard throbbing penis, making it as sloppy as I could afterward he slipped it back between my big luscious tits and began deep stroking them, sliding his long hard cock between them over and over. He slipped his cock from between my tits and pushed it back in my hot wet puss out of he rammed his thick prick in and out from my little moist twat, deeper and deeper with every stroke. He pulled his cock and gaped my pussy open, I may feel the air rush up. He started fingering my hole and slipped his hands. I got back together with him with my large tits stuffed his long hard shaft into my moist cunt and leaned forwards smothering him. Just like there will be no tomorrow because he sucked and licked on my big succulent tits he began pumping his depth in and out. He slipped his cock out of my twat and stuck it back. My mouth started as wide as I could and tried to consume his long thick prick whole. Till I took everything in, I bobbed my head up and down. Then I slurped my way and wrapped my tits. I got up on all fours from above and Cage pushed his hard cock. He started forcing his throbbing cock deep and deeper . My tits shook all over from being pounded by him from behind. . His slick throbbing cock slid from my sexy wet pussy and slid it back into my mouth for a slurping. As it had been my favourite candies I sucked on the pussy juice from his cock. I licked his thick meaty cock at the top to bottom, I then wrapped my hand firmly around his penis and jerked him off with long, tough, fast strokes until he shot a large creamy wad of cum in my mouth. I licked at my nipples and played with my tits.